Question Bank | Important notes related to DGCA Module 3
- Battery vent cap provides escape of gas & prevent escape of electrolyte
- Trickle charge is required for trickle charge
- Electrolyte used in ni cad battery is kOH & in lead acid battery H2SO4
- In transformer core losses indicates or known as EDDY CURRENT & HYSTERSIS losses.
- If transformer ratio is 100% , the transformer is called IDEAL TRANSFORMER
- If V is volt , I is current , R is resistance , the Ohms law states V=IR
- In an atom , if outer orbit has more than 4 electrons , it is INSULATOR
- In a generator the shape of brush is RECTANGULAR
- In a generator , when coil & magnetic lines are parallel , the voltage induced is ZERO
- The unit of capacitance is FARAD
- Basic formula of current is ,I =Q/T
- The material Bismuth is in category of DIMAGNETIC material.
- The unit of Attenuation is DECIBLES
- The property of a material to oppose the magnetic flux is known as RELUCTANCE
- Thermistor is NEGATIVE TEMP co efficient and if temperature increases , the resistance of thermistor DECREASES
- The unit of inductance is called HENRY
- In purely inductor circuit CURRENT LAGS VOLTAGE BY 90′
- Di electrics are made up of INSULATOR
- The unit of conductance is SEIMENS
- The potentiometer has THREE terminals and Rheostate has TWO terminal .
Q.21. In purely capacitive circuit, relation between voltage & current is LEADS - Transformers are rated in VA/KVA
- In AC, relation between value & peak value is , RMSValue =PEAK/1.414
- In Pis no. of poles & N is speed ,in an alternator , frequency F= PN/120
- If cells/ batteries are connected in parallel AMPERE HOURS is additive & when connected in series VOLTAGE is additive
- In generator , to obtain a uniform direction current COMMUTATOR is used .
- In an ideal transformer ,the relation between input voltage & output voltage is EQUAL
- In a transformer Eddy current losses & Hystersis losses are also known as CORE LOSSES
- Where applied voltage and current are out of phase by 90 degree, they are said to bE QUADRATURE
- In a three phase alternator , three voltages are 120′ electrical degree apart.
- If in a circuit , current lags the voltage by 90 degree , the circuit is INDUCTIVE load.
- The frequency of alternator depends on SPEED AND NUMBER OF POLES
- In AC the resultant value is called RMS
- In a simple generator , the no. of lines of force per unit area is known as FEILD STRENGTH
- The value of AC, current & voltage is indicated by SINE WAVE
- The working principle of transformer iS MUTUAL INDUCTION
- In an atom , proton has POSITIVE charge.
- The SI unit of magnetic flux is WEBER
- The property of magnetism & magnetic flux depends on PERMEMABILITY
- In generator ,Interpoles are always connected IN SERIES WITH ARMATURE WINDING
- If P is resistivity ,L is length , A is area in circular mil , then formula for Resistance R = PL/A
- Speed of motor depends on FREQUENCY,I/P POWER AND NUMBER OF POLES
- In generator ,when speed & load are changing , then field distortion is counteracted by INTERPOLES
- In motor , when armature rotates in a magnetic field , the induced voltage is called BACK EMF
- Ohms Law relates , the current is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO VOLTAGE
- When capacitors are connected in parallel, value of capacitance is INCREASES
- In resistor fourth band of color band iS MULTIPLIER FOR % TOLERANCE
- Application of photovoltaic cell is found on SATELLITE, SPACE PROPS, HAND HELD CALCULATORS AND WRIST WATCHES
- In parallel circuits CURRENT remains same & in series VOLTAGE remains same
- Magneto Motive force is FORCE
- In an atom ,the particle which has smallest weight is ELECTRON
- In a stable atom , which particle has neutral charge NEUTRAL
- When secondary coil of transformer is nOt connected to any load , then the primary coil will draw SMALL MAGNETISING/LESS CURRENT current .
- The induced current & magnetic field opposes the motion , is called LENZ’S law.
- If cutting is 1 ampere, & resistance is 1 ohms, the power is 1 WATT
- Which value of heat dissipation in AC circuit is equivalent to DC RMS VALUE
- The filter used when it is required a particular range of frequency to be signed out or filtered from a wider range of frequency , the filter is BAND PASS
- Magnets always exits in PAIRS
- In transformers , the magnetic losses are also called HYSTERSIS AND EDDY CURRENT
- In generators lap winding is used for HIGH CURRENT &LOW VOLTAGE & wave winding is used FOR HIGH VOLTAGE &LOW CURRENT
- The relation between capacitance Resonance & frequency is X c= 1/2Ï€FC
62 Two resistances R1&R2 each of 8 ohms in parallel ,current I is 2 amps ,the power will be 16 WATT (Rt = R1R2/R1+R2)= 4 ohms P= ISquare,R , 2square 4 = ..16 Watt . - The unit of magnetic flux is WEBER of flux density is TESLA & of magnetic field strength is Oersted AMPERE/METRE
- No. of electrons in inner most orbit is TWO
- Resistance is inversely proportional to CROSS SECTIONAL AREA & directly proportionally to LENGTH
- One Watt = 1 JOULE/SECOND Joules
- While charging capacitor graph was plotted which shows CURRENT & VOLTAGE BOTH ( in term of v & I )
- No. of complete charge & discharge cycle ,a battery can perform before its capacity falls below 80 percent , is called BATTERY LIFE CYCLE
- Static charge that builds up during normal flight is dissipitated on .STATIC DISCHARGE WICKS
- If resistance circuit is in parallel , the voltage will be SAME
- For communication & radio system BAND PASS FILTER filter is used.
- When capacitors are connected in DC , it shows SHORT Circuited.
- When large amount of current is controlled & circuit has high power rating , the type of resistor used is WIRE WOUNDS
- Two resistances R1&R2 ,connected in parallel, total resistance Rt= R1R2/ R1+R2
- If a capacitor of 150 micro farad is connected to 3 volt , the charge Q =CE = 150.3= 450micro coulomb
- The thermocouple effect is also known as SEABACK EFFECT & is used for TEMPERATURE SENSING& EXHAUST GAS TEMP INDICATOR
- The unit for quantity of Electricity is COULOMB
- The force that causes electrons to flow throuhgh a conductor , is called ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE
- The opposition of a material to magnetic flux is called RELUCTANCE
- The unit of reluctance is REL.
- In synchronous motor , speed depends on FREQUENCY
- Carbon is NEGATIVE temperature coefficient .
- When a metal losses ion , it becomes +VE
- Unit of resistivity is OHM.METER
- In a alternator having 20 poles & speed is 300 rpm ,the frequency will be 50HZ
- One KWH is equal to 3600( joules)
- A 24 volt battery provides 5 coulomb charge for 2 second , then resistance of conductor is 9.6 OHM
- EMF produced depends on rate of change of FLUX
- If a work done is 1 joule in 1 second , then power is 1 WATT
- Internal resistance of a battery when it is in discharge condition is MAXIMUM
- When current flow is minimum or zero , magnetic line of force are in PARALLEL ( series or parallel )
- If thermistor is positive temperature coefficient , if temperature increases the resistance INCREASES
- When an atom gains electrons it becomes NEGATIVELY CHARGED
- Metallic shielding is BAIDED COPPER WIRE
- A battery whose reaction can be reversed is SECONDARY & whose reaction can not be reversed is PRIMARY
- Material magnetized in lightly in opposite direction to the applied magnetic field , it is DIMAGNETIC MATERIAL
- What is additive in parallel connection (choice – Resistance , Impedance , Capacitance ) CAPACITANCE
- If I is current , R is resistance , Power loss in a circuit is , P=I2R
- Current & Voltage are in phase in RESISTIVE circuit & phase angle is said to be 0
- Synchronous speed of induction motor depends on F,P & N
- Molecule is the smallest part of substance , which is called COMPOUND
- Two resistors each of 2 ohms connected in series, if 2 amp current flow then power developed in circuit will be 16 WATT
- In shaded pole motor starting torque is LOW & Power Factor is LOW( high or low )
- Maximum no. of electrons in outer most orbit of an atom is 8
- No. of electrons in outer shell of semiconductor is 4
- If three capacitors ,each of 1 micro farad ,connected in series ,the net capacitance is 1/3 uF
- In a capacitor the time required to charge to 63 percent of value of source is known as TIME CONSTANT
- In DC motor, the electrical characteristics are TORQUE & aRMATURE CURRENT
- In a multiple capacitor , if parallel plates are n , the number of capacitors are n-1
- What is used to measure the flow of charge AMPERE( voltage,current, colour )
- If 100 joules are consumed in 100 seconds, the power is 1 WATT
- Rehostate is used to vary CURRENT & potentiometer is used to vary VOLTAGE
- Rehostate & potentiometer are VARIABLE resistors ( fixed or variable )
- In colour coding from left to right ,first band is red & second band is green , then number is 25
- If cells are connected in series , then current is SAME across all cells & voltage is DIFFERENT at all cells ( in term of same / different )
- In DC generators , the losses result from friction between brush & commutator is MECHANICAL loss
- Dislodging an electrons from an atom will cause the atom to become POSITIVE charged.
- An atom that has gained an extra no. of electrons is charged& and is called NEGATIVE ion.
- In an atom NEUTRON has same mass as proton
- Hunting in electric motors occurs due to VARYING LOAD & CHANGE IN FREQUENCY
- Generators are rated in KW alternators in KVA
- The purpose of fourth winding in three phase AC generator is FOR VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION PHASE WISE
- The generator output to commutator is DC ( ACor DC )
- In LCR circuit, if if capacitance is increased by 4 times , impedance will INCREASES ( increase or decrease )
- If OCV & CCV are known, the Internal Resistance = (OCV-CCV)/APPLIED VOLTAGE
- In lead acid battery cell having multi plates has more negative plates than positive because Positive plates are prone to wrapping if chemical reaction is only one side , so negative plates is more, at side negative plate will be there
- Internal resistance of aVlaclanche cell is about ohms 0.02 OHM
- A capacitor rating is MAXIMUM VOLTAGE IT CAN TAKE WITHOUT RUPTURE( in term of voltage or
current ) - The different parts of aircraft are maintained at same potential , method is known as BONDING
- When resistances are connected in parallel, the current is SAME( same or different in resistances )
- If there happen to be short circuit between supply & earth ,it leads to CURRENT DRAWN WILL BE HIGH AND IT WILL BE DANGEROUS
- In a three phase power system , A phase colour coding is RED colour .
- If a material has low permittivity , it is DIELECTRIC( paramagnetic, dielectric , ferromagnetic ,diamagnetic )
- The power is zero , the circuit will be purely RESISITIVE ( resistive, capacitive , inductive )
- When transformer is at no load , current in secondary will be zero, in primary there will be IRON LOSSES loss ( core loss, iron loss , both, no loss )
- The strength of electrostatic field between two charged bodies is directly proportional to STRENGTH OF CHARGE & inversely proportional to SQUARE OF DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM
- The ability of a material to become magnitized is called PERMEABILTY
- In dry cell graphite is mixed with Mno2, its purpose is TO REDUCE INTERNAL RESISTANCE
- The capacity of no cad battery is is a function of TOTAL PLATE AREA IN CELL
- To form a battery from cells , these are inter connected by STRAP
- Ni- cad,Ni – zn, C zn , zn mn , which are primary & which are secondary battery FIRST TWO SECONDARY AND LAST TWO PRIMARY
- If M is mass & V is velocity, Kinetic Energy = 1/2MV2
- Disadvantages of shaded pole motor are LOW STARTING TORQUE & LOW POWER FACTOR
- What exist between them if one charge is positive & another of different polarity PD/ EMF
- Carbon resistor has first two band as yellow & blue, first two number will be 46
- A narrow hystersis substance is best to make PERMANENT MAGNET( armature parts, transformer core, permanent magnets )
- What causes flow of electrons POTENTIAL DIFF/ EMF( resistance, power, potential difference, current,)
- Property of a coil to induce emf in near by coil is called MUTUAL INDUCTANCE
- In an alternator if P is pole, N is speed, the frequency F= NP/120
- Dielectrics are made up of INSULATORS
- Generator can have BOTH( revolving field, rotating armature, both )
- Magnetic potential is VECTOR quantity.( scalar or vector , none ,both )
- In respect of average value & rms value , Form Factor = AVG VALUE/RMS VALUE
- The losses due to bearing and friction in motor is called MECHANICAL loss.
- Total resistance in a parallel circuit is equal to RECIPROCOL OF THE SUM OF THE RECIPROCOL OF THE INDIVIDUAL RESISYTANCEC
- As per Kirchoffs law , algebraic sum of current entering a point is equal to the sum of current leaving that point , the circuit is PARALLEL ( series, parallel, both )
- If inductors are connected in series, the total inductance is SUM OF INDIVIDUAL INDUCTORS
- Inductive reactance is measured in OHM and like RESISTANCE
- If capacitors are in parallel , total capacitance is SUM OF INDIVIDUAL CAPACITORS
- When it is required to have a large capacitance with smaller size capacitor, type of capacitor used is ELECTROLYTE CAPACITOR
Note – Credits to the Respective Candidates, who wrote this to help to AME Students