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Module 8 DGCA Questions of Chapter 3 | Theory of Flight

Module 8 DGCA Questions of Chapter 3 | Theory of Flight

DGCA Module 8 Questions | Theory of Flight

  1. DGCA Module 8 Questions from Chapter 1 | Physics of Atmosphere
  2. DGCA Module 8 Questions of Chapter 2 | Basic Aerodynamics
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1. Landing speed is________ when flap & slat is open
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. No change

2. When banking on a turn stalling speed is _________ then when landing(Ref-ACK 190)
a. lower
b. higher
c. Same

3. The increase in lift tends to _______ the glide angle(Ref-ACK 209)
a. Flatten
b. Steepen
c. Remains same

4. The steeper the original glide the greater the change in flight
path involved and so the more speed must be there in hand for______(Ref-ACK 209)
a. Diving
b. Landing
c. Flattening out

5. After Flattening out we must lose any excess speed this may
called_______(Ref-ACK 209)
a. Float
b. Hold-off
c. Both

6. The gliding path is flatter so there is ________ change of path
in flattening out and so(Ref-ACK 211)
a. Less
b. More
c. Same

7. In straight and level flight when cruising power required curve and power available curve are perpendicular is
a. Safety range
b. Endurance range
c. Both

8. During turn the outer wing offers more(Ref-ACK 224)
a. Drag
b. Lift
c. Bank

9. When engine failure occurs and lift is forward of the weight then
a. Aircraft tends to stall
b. It gives position of gliding
c. Slightly reduces straight and level flight

10. Higher weight in gliding flight is not affected not by(Ref-ACK 185)
a. Stalling angle and range are reduced
b. Stalling angle and speed are reduced
c. Speed and range are reduced

11. During flat turn(Ref-ACK 245)
a. Roll only
b. Yaw only
c. Combination of roll & yaw

12. In the case of aircraft nose drop thrust line is placed———- and drag line is———(Ref-ACK 149)
a. High ; low
b. High ; high
c. Low ; high

13. During turn stalling angle
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains same

14. During take-off before pulling off(Ref-ACK 215)
a. AOA is less than stalling angle
b. To allow speed to increase beyond the stalling speed
c. AOA is more than 250

15. Speed of sound at mean sea level
a. 320m/s
b. 340m/s
c. 300m/s

16. Performance capability of jet engine with propeller is
depends on(Ref-ACK 130)
a. Power
b. Thrust
c. Both

17. Performance capability of jet engine is depends on (Ref-ACK
a. Thrust
b. power
c. Both

18. If landing speeds go up with_________ Wing loading(Ref-ACK 216)
a. Low
b. High
c. Same

19. A slight increase in the _________ to use for climbing(Ref-
ACK 226)
a. AOA
b. Best speed
c. Trim

20. For equilibrium level flight (Ref-ACK 148)
a. L = W
b. T = D
c. Both a and b

21. The airspeed during a spin is comparatively low and the rate
of descent is also(Ref-ACK 248)
a. Low
b. High
c. Same

22. Propeller convert————- into ———–(Ref-ACK 131)
a. Thrust, torque
b. Torque, thrust
c. Thrust, power

23. In straight and level flight we must prevent aircraft from(Ref-
ACK 149)
a. Climbing
b. Rotating
c. Diving

24. Rate of climb with respect to altitude(Ref-ACK 224)
a. ROC increases with increase in altitude
b. ROC decreases with increase in altitude
c. None of the above

25. What changes an even and straight flight?(Ref-ACK 149)
a. Rotation
b. Diving
c. Climbing

26. During gliding turn the aircraft rolls(Ref-ACK 224)
a. Inward
b. Outward
c. None of the above

27. Climb performance is related to
a. Performance curve
b. Lift curve
c. Drag curve

28. Except in special cases it is unadvisable to
a. Trim
b. Flat out
c. Dive

29. During climbing turn the aircraft will roll(Ref-ACK 244)
a. Inwards
b. Outwards
c. None of the above

30. If we increase or decrease the best gliding speed, the flight path will(Ref-ACK 182)
a. Flatter
b. Steeper
c. 2 deg to 3 deg

31.The speed of sound is roughly _________ times the speed of
sound in air (Ref-ACK 487)
a. Two b. Three c. Four

32. Distance travelled by aircraft per unit fuel is
a. Air specific range
b. Specific fuel consumption
c. None

33. The weight of an aircraft is acting at which point
a. C of G
b. C of P
c. Aerodynamic center

34. During climb which of the following curve should be consider?(Ref-ACK 218)
a. V-N curve
b. Performance curve
c. Only a

35. In steeper turn rudder position is taken by (Ref-ACK 245)
a. Elevator
b. Rudder
c. Aileron

36. If CP of an aircraft is behind CG, what happened to the nose?
a. Drops
b. Pitch up
c. Remains same

37. During climbing (Ref-ACK 229 & 485)
a. Lift is greater than weight
b. Lift is less than weight
c. Lift is equal to weight

38. The flight Mach no at which local supersonic flow first appears somewhere on the aircraft is (Ref-ACK 488)
a. Subsonic
b. Transonic
c. Sonic

39. During takeoff preferably aircraft will go (Ref-ACK 216)
a. Against the wind
b. Along with wind
c. None of the above

40. The ratio of Inertial to elastic force is called
a. Reynolds no
b. Euler’s no
c. Mach no

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41. Centre of drag is (Ref-ACK 148)
a. Aircraft speed
b. Actual position depends on the relative resistance of different parts of airplane
c. None of the above

42. The effects of an increase of altitude(Ref-ACK 226)
a. Slight reduction in minimum speed
b. Increase in maximum speed
c. Large reduction in rate of climb
d. All the above

43. At steady level flight lift is equal to(Ref-ACK 148)
a. Thrust
b. Drag
c. Weight

44. During climbing turn lift on a inner wing is (Ref-ACK 224)
a. More
b. Less
c. Same

45. As weight of aircraft increases, lift has to be increased by increasing?
a. AOA
b. Velocity
c. Drag

46. In an ordinary turn the inward centripetal force is provided by
the aero plane(Ref-ACK 236)
a. Climbing
b. Gliding
c. Banking

47. Sharp leading edges are used in supersonic wings to reduce the (Ref-ACK 488)
a. Lift b. Drag c. Weight

48. If we increase or decrease the best angle which gives L/D the path of descent will be(Ref-ACK 182)
a. Flatter
b. Steeper
c. Same

49. If the aircraft will glide along the wind the path of descent will be(Ref-ACK 184)
a. Flatter
b. Steeper
c. Same

50. Expansion wave in supersonic flow is a region where the speed will (Ref-ACK 488)
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Constant

51. If wing loading is increasing then stalling speed will be (Ref-ACK 193)
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. Remains the same

52. The tail plane can produce lift in either the +ve or –ve in order to produce the required moment for(Ref-ACK 151)
a. Pitch up
b. Trim
c. Pith down

53. At lower altitude power required is (Ref-ACK 223)
a. Less
b. More
c. No change

54. Service Ceiling is the height at which rate of climb becomes (Ref-ACK 225)
a. Less than 0.5m/s
b. More than 0.5m/s
c. Constant

55. The aero plane may travel upwards or downwards along the normal axis as in (Ref-ACK 230)
a. Climbing
b. Descending
c. Both

56. The Aero plane may travel to right or left along the lateral axis such motion is called(Ref-ACK 230)
a. Side slipping
b. Skidding
c. Both

57. In climbing turn necessity for holding off bank is (Ref-ACK 243)
a. More
b. Less
c. No required

58. Dutch roll
a. Only Yaw
b. Only Roll
c. Combination of Yaw & Roll

59. The propeller torque and engine torque will be exactly (Ref-ACK 131)
a. Same
b. Equal and opposite
c. None

60. The ratio of the useful work given out by the propeller to the work put into it by the engine is(Ref-ACK 138)
a. Work done
b. Efficiency
c. Power

61. Movement of the center of gravity during flight caused, for instance, by(Ref-ACK 149)
a. Consumption of fuel
b. Movement of passengers
c. Both a and b

62. The angle of attack or the attitude of the aero plane to the air is the same in level flight at all heights, provided the IAS(Ref-ACK 166)
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains same

63. The less the total weight of the aircraft, the indicated airspeed will be(Ref-ACK 167)
a. More
b. Less
c. Same

64. L/D is Maximum and drag will be(Ref-ACK 169)
a. Least
b. Maximum
c. No change

65. The angle of attack that gives the best L/D ratio will be the same at whatever the (Ref-ACK 169)
a. Height
b. Weight
c. Both a and b

66. The drag is the same at the same _________ at all heights(Ref-ACK 171)
a. IAS
b. TAS
c. None

67. The higher we go, the greater is the_________ for the same (Ref-ACK 172)
a. TAS
b. Drag
c. Weight

68. The higher we go, the greater is the TAS and therefore the greater the (Ref-ACK 172)
a. Power Available
b. Power required
c. Drag

69. To get maximum endurance we must use the(Ref-ACK 173)
a. Maximum power
b. Minimum power
c. Same power

70. If the aircraft will glide against the wind the path of descent will be(Ref-ACK 184)
a. Flatter
b. Steeper
c. Same

71. When banking on a turn the lift on the wings must be greater than the(Ref-ACK 190)
a. stalling speed
b. weight
c. None

72. The increase in drag tends to steepen the (Ref-ACK 209)
a. Gliding angle
b. Gliding attitude
c. Both

73. Wherever the power available curve is _________ the power required curve, level flight is possible
a. Above
b. Below
c. Same

74. The power available to _________ with altitude
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Same

75. The power required to _________ with altitude
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Same

76. TAS for the best rate of climb _________ with height
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains same

77. The greater the centripetal acceleration required, the higher
will be the (Ref-ACK 236)
a. Stalling Angle
b. Stalling Speed
c. None of the above

78. Increase in velocity needs an ___________ in the angle of bank (Ref-ACK 239)
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Remains same

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79. The radius of the turn is increased the angle of bank may be(Ref-ACK 246)
a. Increased
b. Reduced
c. Remains same

80. Steep turns can only be accomplished if the engine is powerful enough to keep the aeroplane travelling at(Ref-ACK 241)
a. High speed and low angles of attack
b. High speed and large angles of attack
c. High speed and large angles of attack even at stalling angle

81. Modern aircraft have a small side surface and if this coupled with________ directional stability(Ref-ACK 245)
a. Poor b. Good c. None

82. The radius of turn can be reduced as the angle of bank is_________(Ref-ACK 239)
a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. Remains the same

83. __________ is very rarely performed in practice(Ref-ACK 251)
a. Flat Dive
b. Steep dive
c. Both

84. Maximum climb speed of aircraft
a. Increases with altitude
b. Decreases with altitude
c. No change

85. The ideal aero plane must be one in which there is no____(Ref-ACK 160)
a. Aspect ratio
b. Fineness ratio
c. Parasite drag

86. In the nature of a flying wing , we should than obtain a lift (Ref-ACK 160)
a. 20 times greater than drag
b. 30 times greater than drag
c. 40 times greater than drag

87. At high speed tight turn radius of turn will be(Ref-ACK 223)
a. small
b. Large
c. Same

89. The aircraft stopped rolling and provided it is still travelling straight ahead the aerodynamic force will be influenced by
a. Airstream passing over and below the aircraft
b. Airstream passing over the aircraft
c. Airstream passing below the aircraft

90. Aircraft take off angle of attack during climbing
a. at 25 degree of AOA
b. above the stalling angle
c. Below the stalling angle

91. Greater range if we fly a great deal faster than the(Ref-ACK 175)
a. Minimum drag speed
b. Maximum drag speed
c. Maximum stalling speed

92. The tangent of the gliding angle is directly dependent on the(Ref-ACK 181)
a. L/D ratio
b. Fineness ratio
c. Aspect ratio

93. The greater the value of L/D the gliding angle will be(Ref-ACK 181)
a. Flatter b. Steeper c. No change

94. When banking on a turn the lift on the wings must be(Ref-ACK 190)
a. greater than the weight
b. Lesser than the weight
c. Same as the weight

95. The altitude at which required power and available power curve are tangential to each other is
a. Service ceiling
b. Absolute ceiling
c. Absolute power

96. In aerobatics every part of an aero plane is given load factor which varies accordingly to conditions being usually(Ref-ACK 236)
a. Between 4 and 8
b. Between 2 and 4
c. Between 1 and 4

97. The angle of bank is quite independent of the______(Ref-ACK 238)
a. Weight
b. Lift
c. Drag

98. As the angle of bank increases lift will (Ref-ACK 239)
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Same

99. The normal duties of the engine arte to propel the aero plane at(Ref-ACK 241)
a. High speed at small angle of attack
b. Low speed and large AOA
c. Both

100. A nose dive is really an exaggerated form of(Ref-ACK 251)
a. Gliding
b. Climbing
c. Level flight

101. In steep dive the weight is entirely balanced by(Ref-ACK 251)
a. Lift b. Drag c. Thrust

102. In gliding ______ is rarely performed in practice(Ref-ACK 251)
a. Flatter glide
b. Steep dive
c. None

103. The aileron act also as flap is known as(Ref-ACK 197)
a. Ruddervator
b. Elevons
c. Flaperons

104. Differential movement of tail surface is known as (Ref-ACK 197)
a. Flaperons
b. Elevons
c. Tailerons

105. Low minimum speed and high maximum speed of aircraft will give(Ref-ACK 192)
a. poor speed range
b. Good speed range
c. None

106. When the flap is lowered and the chances are that center of pressure on top of the surface will move (Ref-ACK 213)
a. Forward
b. Backward
c. Remains same

107. Streamlining will give (Ref-ACK 208)
a. Flatter glide angle
b. Steeper glide angle
c. Steep dive

108. Estimating the power available from the engine and power required for level flight at various speed is given by (Ref-ACK 218)
a. Performance curve
b. Lift curve
c. Drag curve

109. The pilot can put the nose down slightly and maintain level flight at an (Ref-ACK 217)
a. Increased speed & increased AOA
b. Increased speed & decreased AOA
c. Decreased speed & decreased AOA

110. At any certain height the power available & power required curve to each other called
a. Absolute ceiling
b. Service ceiling
c. Absolute power

111. Lowering flaps during the glide will generally________ the glide(Ref-ACK 484)
a. Flatten
b. Steepen
c. No Effect

112. During climb an increase in weight will mean a reduction in (Ref-ACK 285)
a. Range
b. Endurance
c. Both

113. The instrument is used for measuring the flight Mach no of an aircraft ____________(Ref-ACK 488)
a. Speedometer
b. Ammeter
c. Mach meter

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