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#1. The streamline shapes which have given the least resistance at subsonic speeds have had a
#2. In the case of aircraft nose drop thrust line is placed———- and drag line is———(Ref-ACK 149)
#3. On a swept wing aircraft if both wing tip loses lift simultaneously the aircraft will
#4. If viscosity is increasing the Reynolds number will be
#5. The ratio ofInertial to elastic force is called
#6. The camber convex of airfoil in upper surface is
#7. Angle of airfoil is slightly negative will it generate lift
#8. A laminar boundary layer over the boundary layer over the whole surface of a wing the skin friction would be reduced to about__________ of its value.
#9. The stability of an aircraft considered during design of the aircraft (Ref-ACK 257)
#10. Movement of the center of gravity during flight caused, for instance, by (Ref-ACK 149)
#11. The control surfaces are placed as far as possible away the_________ So as to provide sufficient leverage to alter the position of the airplane. (Ref-ACK 274)
#12. Propeller convert————- into ———–(Ref-ACK 131)
#13. The L/D ratio increases very rapidly up to 3 or 4 degree at which angles the lift is nearly
#14. There must be some point on the chord about which there is no change in pitching moment is called
#15. Longitudinal stability is highly affected due to (Ref-ACK 259)
#16. Aircraft will have weaker positive directional opposed to positive lateral stability can result in a
#17. In flat plate an increase of the angle of attack over the same angles causes the center of pressure to move
#18. Blown & jet flaps may be a serious disadvantage in the event of
#19. The value of the dynamic pressure and hence the indicated speed at which this occurs will always be the _______ whatever the height.
#20. If wing loading is increasing then stalling speed will be (Ref ACK 193)