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DGCA Module 11A Important Questions on Chapter 3 | Airframe Structures - Aeroplanes

DGCA Module 11A Important Questions on Chapter 3 | Airframe Structures – Aeroplanes

ALSO READ: DGCA Module 11A Question Paper March Session 2024

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Question 1/24
The majority of modern aircraft are constructed using———–construction.
A. Semi-monocoque
B. Monocoque
C. Truss type
D. All of the above

Question 2/24
The major components that are attached to a fuselage-
A. Engine pylon.
B. Wings.
C. Stabilizer.
D. All of the above & landing gear.

Question 3/24
The attach fittings on the stabilizer are usually on the
A. Rear spar only.
B. Front spar only.
C. Both front and rear spars.
D. None of the above.

Question 4/24
What is used in the entry area allows cargo to be maneuvered during loading and unloading.
A. Ball mat.
B. Trestles.
C. Rubber mat.
D. Roller.

Question 5/24
Airliner cabin entry doors are usually——– type doors.
A. Plug type.
B. Non plug type.
C. Both (a) & (b) are correct.
D. None of the above.

Question 6/24
Airliner cargo doors are usually——– type doors.
A. Plug type.
B. Non plug type.
C. Both (a) & (b) are correct.
D. None of the above.

Question 7/24
On transport aircraft, passenger cabin windows are made of-
A. A single pane of acrylic plastic
B. Plastic.
C. Laminations of tempered glass and plastic
D. Both (a) or (b).

Question 8/24
Flight deck windows on transport aircraft are constructed of
A. A single pane of acrylic plastic
B. Plastic.
C. Laminations of tempered glass and plastic
D. Both (a) or (b).

Question 9/24
Windscreens are used in passenger transport aircraft to
A. Block weather from entering the cabin when an entry or service door is opened.
B. They are strong, lightweight partitions of honeycomb construction.
C. Some cabin windscreens incorporate storage compartments.
D. All of the above

Question 10/24
Wings using external bracing ,also known as—–.
A. Semi-cantilever.
B. Cantilever.
C. Both (a) & (b) are correct.
D. None of the above.

Question 11/24
In general, the wing construction is based on ——–designs.
A. Monospar.
B. Multispar.
C. Box beam.
D. All of the above.

Question 12/24
——— may be placed between the bulkheads and the smooth outer skin so that the wing can better carry tension and compression loads.
A. Temperature resistant sheet.
B. Aluminum sheet.
C. Corrugated sheet.

The ——-are principle structural members of the wing.
A. Ribs.
B. Spar.
C. Pylon.
D. Longerons.

Question 14/24
Wing ribs are the structural crosspieces that combine with——— to make up the framework of the wing.
A. Spar and bulkhead.
B. Stringer and longerons.
C. Spars and stringers.
D. Bulkhead and formers.

See also  DGCA Module 9 Human Factors Question Bank | Answer Marked

Question 15/24
MTCS regarding ribs.
A. Give the wing its cambered shape.
B. Transmit the load from the skin and stringers to the spars.
C. Similar ribs are also used in ailerons, elevators, rudders, and stabilizers.
D. All of the above

Question 16/24
Wing butt ribs may be found at the inboard edge of the wing where the wing attaches to the fuselage. Depending on its location and method of attachment, a butt rib may also be called-
A. Nose ribs or false ribs
B. Bulkhead ribs.
C. Compression ribs.
D. Both (b) or (c) are correct.

Question 17/24
A. The interface between the wing and fuselage is often covered with a fairing to achieve smooth airflow in this area.
B. As in (a) &the wing tip is often a removable unit, bolted to the outboard end of the wing panel.
C. As in (b) &to prevent ice from forming on the leading edge of the wings of large aircraft, hot air from an
engine is often channeled through the leading edge from wing root to wing tip.
D. As in (c) &as an indication that the wing tip light is operating, some wing tips are equipped with a Lucite rod to transmit the light to the leading edge.

Question 18/24
The joints in the wings are sealed with a special fuel resistant sealant enabling fuel to be stored directly inside the structure. This is known as-
A. Wet wing design.
B. Dry wing design.
C. Bladder type.
D. All of the above.

Question 19/24
A streamlined enclosure called a nacelle is attached to the ——to house the engine and its components.
A. Pylon
B. Landing gear.
C. Engine mount.
D. Control surfaces.

Question 20/24
The —— is usually presents a round or elliptical profile to the wind to reduce aerodynamic drag.
A. Control surfaces
B. Ribs
C. Nacelle
D. Pylon

Question 21/24
High lift and drag devices are attached to the wingstructure at the ——–.
A. Front spar only.
B. Front and rear spars.
C. Rear spar only.
D. None of the above.

Question 22/24
On most aircraft designs these consist of a horizontal stabilizer and a vertical stabilizer located at the aft end of the fuselage known as –
A. Stabilizer.
B. Nacelle.
C. Empennage.

Question 23/24
——— is accomplished by adding mass balance weights to the leading edge of the control.
A. Mass balancing.
B. Aerodynamic balancing.
C. Static balancing.
D. Dynamic balancing.

Question 24/24
———-are the structural assemblies to which the engine is fastened.
A. Pylon.
B. Firewall.
C. Engine mount.
D. Engine nacelle.

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ALSO SEE – DGCA Module 8 Questions from Chapter 1

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