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DGCA Module 11A Question Paper March Session 2024

DGCA Module 11A Question Paper March Session 2024

QUS 81: A method used in modern aircraft for reporting in-flight faults to an engineering and monitoring ground station is:
(a) TCAS II (b) ACARS (c) ACMS (d) CIDS

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a) Self-test feature built into airborne equipment as an integral fault indicator
b) Go-no-go status of particular unit
c) real time monitoring
d) ATA

QUS 83: MTCS- Non retractable landing gear (AMR 447)
a- Nonretractable landing gear may have bracing
b- As in (a)+ it may be of the cantilever type without any additional bracing
c- As in (a)+ it may be of the cantilever type with additional bracing

QUS 84: MTCS (15A 2-6)
a– With increase in AOA the center of pressure (CP) moves forward
b- With increase in AOA the center of pressure (CP) moves backward
c- With decrease in AOA the center of pressure (CP) moves forward
d- With decrease in AOA the center of pressure (CP) will be constant

QUS 85: Where damage-tolerant design is not practical————– philosophy designs are required.
A- safe-life B- Fail-safe C- Positive tolerant D- None (AMR 204)

QUS 86: During ground operations and prior to take-off, the WOW switch typically controls the
position of the pressurization safety valve, which is held in (easa 4.38)
A- closed position until the aircraft takes off B- open position until the aircraft takes off
C- open position before the aircraft takes off D- None

QUS 87: MTCS – In horizontal stabilizer
A- rear spar is heavier than front wing B- front spar is heavier than rear spar
C- rear spar is heavier than front spar D- rear spar is lighter than front spar

QUS 88: O2 cylinder normally serviced to a pressure of between (AMR 590)
a- 2400 psi to 4200 psi c- 1000 psi to 3000 psi
b- 1800 psi to 1850 psi d- 2000 psi to 2400 psi

QUS 89: Amphibious airplanes have—————- for operating on water and retractable wheels for land operation. (AMR 448)
A- Floats B- Hull C- Floats or Hull

QUS 90: Airbus A330/340 uses (a/c electrical and electronics MK TLY 74)
a- ARINC 429 b- ARINC 629 c- ARINC 753

QUS 91: Tanks, which are normally empty, are designed to contain fuel overflow and prevent fuel spillage, particularly when fueling the aircraft (AMR 515)
a– Surge tank b- Wet tank c- Balance tank

QUS 92: Gust locking system (EASA 9.12)
a- method for locking the controls when the aircraft is taxing
b- method for locking the controls when the aircraft is parked
c- method for locking the controls when the aircraft is flying in crosswind

QUS 93: Oxygen valves should be opened slowly and filling should proceed slowly to avoid
a- Overcharging b- Spillage c- Overheating (easa 15.7)

QUS 94: MTCS (15a 2-8)
A- movement of air from the bottom of the wing outward from the fuselage and upward around the wing-tip.
B- As in A+ This flow of air results in spillage over the wing tip
C- The air on the upper surface has a tendency to move in toward the fuselage and off the
trailing edge
D- All are correct
(Note: this is not the exact options but some options are correct and please go through the book)

QUS 95: MTICS – water drain
A- Drain valve are self-cleanable
B- as in A + When flush handle is extended, flush mechanism Unlatched
C- as in A + When flush handle is extended, flush mechanism latched

See also  Aerodynamic Master Senthamil Sir Question | DGCA Module 8

QUS 96: Which primer is normally thinned with petroleum thinner such naphtha or mineral spirit
a) Iron oxide b) Zinc chromate c) Epoxy primer

QUS 97: Defect which can occur in laminated windscreens characterised by the separation of a glass layer from the vinyl interlayer (CAIP PART-2 407)
A- Chipping B- Vinyl ‘Bubbling C- Delamination D- Scratches
Vinyl ‘Bubbling’. Small bubbles occurring within the vinyl interlayer of electrically heated
windscreens are not a delamination nor are they structurally dangerous.)
Discolouration. – Electrically heated windscreens are transparent to direct light but they normally have a distinctive colour when viewed by reflected light)
Chipping – Chips are flakes or layers of glass broken from the surface which can occur if the exterior surfaces of a panel are struck by a sharp object
Cracks -These are serious defects which, depending on the type of glass and the formation and propagation of the cracks, may result in considerable strength reduction of the windscreen and effects on visibility varying from slightly impaired to complete obscurity.

QUS 98: Purpose of sealing (sealant) compound
a) For aerodynamic sealing and corrosion prevention
b) To prevent pressurization leak
c) To prevent fuel and fluid leak
d) All the above

QUS 99: Inmarsat system is inactive in
a) Western region b) Polar region c) Eastern region

QUS 100: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) on the strobe light can be minimized by
a) Shielded cable can be used between power source and strobe light
b) Unshielded cable can be used between power source and strobe light
c) EMI has no effect

QUS 101: Gyro instrument that gives rate of rotation about vertical axis
a) Turn & Slip Indicator b) Attitude Indicator c) Heading Indicator

QUS 102: with increase in temp in kidde sys wire resistance
a) increase b) decrease c) un affected

QUS 103: Which milling is for skin deep group/ cuts
a) chemical milling b) electrochemical milling c) both

QUS 104: Canard
a- creates lift and holds the nose down b- creates drag and holds the nose up
c- creates lift and holds the nose up d- None

a) emergency equipment are fire extinguisher, life raft, escape slide
b) as in a+ included first aid kit
c) emergency equipment does not include first aid kit

QUS 106: What method is used for balancing of flight control without removing
a) Mass balancing b) Aerodynamic balancing
c) Computation method d) Scale method

QUS 107: pure oxygen supply with cabin air each time a breath is drawn.
a) dilute demand b) pressure demand c) continue flow

QUS 108: Altitude can be measure by using
a) temp b) air pressure c) air speed

See also  DGCA Module 3 Previous Sessions Questions | Mod 3 Paper

QUS 109: Windshield anti-icing
a- Thermal b- Electrical c- Alcohol

QUS 110: MTCS – Bleed air bypass valve (easa 4.6)
a- simultaneously controls the flow of bypassed air and air to be cooled to meet the
requirements of the auto temperature controller
b- As in A+ It’s automatically controlled
c- As in A+ It can also be controlled manually with the cabin temperature selector in manual mode.
(NOTE: Options are not same but please go through reference)

QUS 111: loadable software updated with (Dgtl EC & CMPTR SYS 155)
a) LSAP b) UMS c) OSS d- All

QUS 112: a transformer designed for operation at 400 Hz converting into 50 Hz
a- by changing primary and secondary voltage (electrical and electronic MK TLY 31)
b- by changing primary and secondary current
c- both (a) & (b)
d- a transformer designed for operation at 400 Hz will not work at 50Hz
NOTE: When replacing a transformer it is essential to ensure that the replacement component is correctly rated. The specifications for a transformer usually include the rated primary and secondary voltage and current, the power rating expressed in voltamperes, VA (this is the maximum power that the transformer can deliver under a given set of conditions), the frequency range for the transformer (note that a transformer designed for operation at 400 Hz will not work at 50Hz or 60Hz), and the per-unit regulation of the transformer (this is the ability of the transformer to maintain its rated output when under load).

QUS 113: Rudder limiter
a- Full rudder deflection is only available only at high speed
b- Full rudder deflection is only available only at low speed

QUS 114: Temperature is monitored in
a- Cabin & wing surface b- cabin and cockpit c- cabin, cockpit, airduct, distribution air duct

QUS 115: Deposits/corrosion should be removed from the tops of cells/battery by
a- using a cloth soaked in de-mineralised
b- As in (A) or distilled water and a stiff fibre bristle brush with soda (CAIP PART2- 913)
c- As in (A) or Wire brushes or solvents with soda
NOTE: Wire brushes or solvents should not be used

QUS 116: On modern aircraft equipped with digital aircraft monitoring system with LCD display
a- Have gauges b- gauges only for instruments c- no gauges

QUS 117: CO2 fire extinguisher used on
a- APU b- Liquid flammable c- Electrical fire d- All

QUS 118: Advantage of nickel-cadmium battery (Esmin pg 46)
a- Greater power to weight ratio c- Greater voltage to power ratio
b- Greater weight to power ratio

QUS 119: MTCS vacuum blower
a- A vacuum blower in installed for each waist tank irrespective of the no. of toilets
b- A vacuum blower for each toilet irrespective of the no of waste tank
c- Vacuum blower is not mandatory

QUS 120: Pressure in hydraulic system reduced to 1000 psi that in pr. Reducing valve reduce pr. To
a- Landing gear b- passenger door c- nose wheel steering d- All

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