QUS 121: Large pitch means
a- More seat can be installed b- Less seats can be installed
QUS 122: MTCS Ni-cd battery
a- Battery can be tested in discharged end
b- Battery can be tested only in a cold temperature
c- Leakage due to overflow around cells on top
d- Tools used for Ni-cd battery can also use for lead acid battery
QUS 123: Lap & wave winding
A- Only lap winding wound in duplex & triplex
B-Only wave winding wound in duplex & triplex
C- Reduction in EMI due to fault in armature
QUS 124: ———— Is required for each seating class
a- Galley b- Lavatory c- Avionics bay
QUS 125: Hoop stress caused by
a- Pressurization b- High heat stress c- Heavy load
A- Recording and performance monitoring
B- Only for monitoring, recording is done by other computer
C- Only for Recording, monitoring is done by other computer
QUS 127: MTCS- A double-acting actuating cylinder (AMR 413)
A- HYD pressure can be applied to both sides of the piston. Thus, the cylinder can provide
force in either direction
B- HYD pressure can be applied to one sides of the piston. Thus, the cylinder can provide force in one direction
C- None
QUS 128: Navigation light cover
A- Heat resistant B- as in (A)+ flexible C- as in (A)+ opaque
A- Employs electrical signal that transmit the pilot actions from the flight deck through a computer to the various flight control actuator
B- To reduce the system weight of the HM system, maint. Cost and improve reliability
C- To changing aerodynamic condition by adjusting flight controls movement so that the a/c response is consistent for all flight condition
D- All
QUS 130: Kinks, cracks short in wire
a- Multi meter b- Megger c- Tap test
QUS 131: De-icer boost made of
a- Neoprene b- Buna S c- Buna N
QUS 132: Shear strength of a material ——————–
a- Less b- more c- equal or less
QUS 133: MTCS (obtion language was diff) (easa 16.5)
A- Many aircraft use a high-pressure pneumatic back-up source of power to extend the landing
gear or actuate the brakes if the main hydraulic braking system fails
B- High pressure nitrogen is not directly used to actuate the landing gear actuators or brake units
C- As in (B), instead, it applies the pressurized nitrogen to move hydraulic fluid to the actuator
D- All
(NOTE: Its called Pneudraulics,)
QUS 134: Used to give contour to aircraft wing
A- Rib B- Rib & Stringer C- Ribs & Bulkhead
QUS 135: Type of software which is activated or modified by aircraft operator within boundaries defined by TC/STC holder
a- UMS b- OSS c- LSAP
QUS 136: regarding Class D fire
a- Same material
QUS 137: Split bus generator ****
a- Parallel b- series parallel c- series
QUS 138: The loads imposed on the wings in flight are stated in terms of (AMR 17)
A- Lift factor B- Load factor C- Weight factor D- Drag factor
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