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#1. To produce maximum softness the metal must be cooled ………..
#2. Surface oxidation of steel or cast iron is often known as …………
#3. As a general rule, a soaking period of ………….. to …………is sufficient for the average heat-treating operation.
#4. muntz metal composed of ___________
#5. Hardest structure of metals
#6. Beryllium Cu physical properties can be inc by
#7. Sheet forms is used for secondary structural stressed structural parts
#8. …………is used for making compressor disk, spacer rings, compressor blades and vanes, through bolts, turbine housing and lines, and miscellaneous hardware for turbine engine.
#9. Chromium in Stainless Steel makes it:
#10. To relieve strain and reduce brittleness steel is ………. after being hardened.
#11. A O-ring designate specifically for the use as a static Seal properly will not to the job when installed on the
#12. ………percent of copper may be present as incidental elements in alloy steels.
#13. . ………. Welds readily and has working qualities quite similar to those of corrosion resistance steels.
#14. The distance a screw thread advance axially in one turn
#15. The Belleville spring are used in
#16. Annealing process used in sheet and wire industries to restore ductility is
#17. Which type of the corrosion penetrates to the core
#18. Furnaces operating at temperature of about 2500 degree F usually employ resister bar of ………………….
#19. Lead baths can be used in the temperature range of……………….
#20. The size of gear is determined by
#21. .Which gear is one which the teeth are cut so that they radiate from apex of the cone and lie on the conical surface
#22. The temperature of heat-treating furnace is measured by………….
#23. When a section dimensions are 6” X 6” or larger & approx. square is called……
#24. Running seal is
#25. In Chrome-vanadium steel, the percentage of chromium and vanadium are…….
#26. As the temperature increases colour of steel changes from dull red to a variety of colours and finally to…………..
#27. Corrosion on ferrous metals is chemically removed by caustic and non-caustic chemicals depending upon:-
#28. The 6000 series contains
#29. If the finished forged surface is concave……..
#30. …………are shaped or formed by pressing or hammering heated metal in dies.
#31. Tempered condition refers to the condition of metal or metal alloys with respect to …………. Or ………..
#32. . …………steel has replaced carbon steel in fabrication of structural parts.
#33. Presence of Sulphur in Iron makes it :
#34. Bearing which takes radial loads
#35. Al is vital to aviation because
#36. Strength of chrome vanadium stell can be increased by ? 9A 5-69 0R 5-4
#37. One of the distinctive features of 18-8 steel is that…………… . .
#38. MTCS about Microbiological corrosion
#39. MTCS
#40. What are miter gear
#41. The portion of tooth space that is cut below the pitch circle is equal to addendum plus clearance ?
#42. INCONEL has strength greater than ……..percent of Nickel.
#43. SAE 1010 to 1030 is a ………….. carbon steel.
#44. The thermocouple which can be used upto 2800 deg. F, is made of ………. & ………..
#45. Four- Numerical series is used to designate the
#46. Which type of fitting is used in plumbing
#47. When a piece of metal is cut, the material is subjected, as it comes in contact with the cutting edge, to a force known as…………
#48. Mark the correct statement:- (DGCA Paper-2 Exam)
#49. When the alloy become too hard for further forming it have to be re-heat treated or …………
#50. MTCS about Glue
#51. Which type of plastics harden upto heating, and reheating has no softening effect
#52. Nitriding is used for
#53. After heat treatment tempering is done to
#54. Fairleads should never deflect the ailment of cable more than _____from straight line
#55. Nickel increase ……….. & ………. When combined with carbon steel.
#56. The ………….. strength of material is it’s resistance to twisting.
#57. Which of the following is easily removable
#58. Stainless steel expands about………..percent more than mild steel.
#59. In annealing greater softening can be achieved if
#60. A salt bath heating range is…………….
#61. Diametric pitch of gear is ? shop theory
#62. MTCS Clearance
#63. . ………… furnaces require air for proper combustion and an air compressor or blower is therefore necessary.
#64. The extra flexible control cables are used in
#65. Recessed triangle on head surface
#66. Steel with less than 0.85 C is called
#67. Which has low water absorption rate and good resistance and low temperature
#68. Balls and rollers of anti-friction bearings are generally made of ….
#69. INCONEL is a alloy of…………
#70. Nickel steel causes the spark stream