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#1. When banking on a turn the lift on the wings must be greater than the(Ref-ACK 190)
#2. The increase in drag tends to steepen the (Ref-ACK 209)
#3. . Wherever the power available curve is _________ the power required curve, level flight is possible
#4. . The angle of attack or the attitude of the aero plane to the air is the same in level flight at all heights, provided the IAS(Ref-ACK 166)
#5. Steep turns can only be accomplished if the engine is powerful enough to keep the aeroplane travelling at(Ref-ACK 241)
#6. Modern aircraft have a small side surface and if this coupled with________ directional stability(Ref-ACK 245)
#7. The higher we go, the greater is the TAS and therefore the greater the (Ref-ACK 172)
#8. The normal duties of the engine arte to propel the aero plane at(Ref-ACK 241)
#9. The aircraft stopped rolling and provided it is still travelling straight ahead the aerodynamic force will be influenced by
#10. The pilot can put the nose down slightly and maintain level flight at an (Ref-ACK 217)
#11. At any certain height the power available & power required curve to each other called
#12. . The tangent of the gliding angle is directly dependent on the(Ref-ACK 181)
#13. More directional and less lateral stability (Ref-ACK 486)
#14. Distribution of fuselage side surface more than ahead of CG than after will affect (Ref-ACK 268)
#15. The pendulum effect on high wing aircraft (Ref-ACK 274)
#16. . Aircraft will have weaker positive directional opposed to positive lateral stability can result in a
#17. Mark the correct statement (Ref-ACK 260)
#18. Forces & moments on the body caused by a disturbance initially tends to return the body towards its equilibrium position
#19. Longitudinal instability is due to the (Ref-ACK 260)
#20. . The effects of an increase of altitude(Ref-ACK 226)